You want the kind of relationship where you feel loved, understood and appreciated. You want to be able to enjoy each other's company! 

But that feels so out of reach. Until now.

Here’s the thing, having a great relationship is possible IF you have the right skills. And it’s even better when you have a coach who can support you while you learn and practice them.

I’ve been where you are. Trying to hold your tears back while you make your kids’ school lunches, forcing a smile for that Insta pic to keep up appearances (#highlightreel), sobbing on the floor of your wardrobe when the heartache feels overwhelming and asking yourself, God, or the Universe “Why is this happening to me??”.

It’s incredibly lonely to be going through a breakdown with the one person in the world you are meant to be closest to.

When I discovered the Intimacy Skills I thought it was too late for my marriage. I had already tried everything and it hadn’t worked.

I couldn’t change my husband (or his mind).

That much was true, I couldn’t make him change but it turns out I didn’t need to.

I’m going to share exactly what worked for me (and what didn’t) so you can use the same skills and tools that I used to turn my (once hopeless and distant) relationship around, so you can bring back the closeness—the deep conversations, in-jokes, flirty texts, lingering touches and couch cuddles—that you deserve to have with the man you married.

Happy Wife, Happy Life

10 Personalised 1:1 Coaching Sessions

This is for you if: 
  • You’re unhappy in your marriage but know it could be better if only … 

  • You and your husband are on the verge of divorce or a major breakdown and you’re tired of the arguments or cold wars and walking on eggshells

  • You’ve tried everything and it hasn’t worked

  • You enjoy personal development (learning, growing, taking action)

Uncover your blindspots (whatever’s holding you back) and get actionable steps you can take right away to start melting the tension in your home, creating the emotional connection you crave and making your relationship playful and happy. 

This isn’t for you if you are in a relationship where you live in fear of yourself or your children being physically struck, injured or intentionally hurt. If you are living with repeated violence, your best next step is to seek safety.

Please reach out for support by calling 1800RESPECT (1800 737 732) or texting 0458 737 732 if in Australia

Already read the book?

(It’s called The Empowered Wife by Laura Doyle if you’re wondering).

Bought the T-shirt?

(If there’s not an Empowered Wife T-shirt there should be).

And itching to get started working with a coach to uncover what you’re missing and save your marriage?

I’ve got you girl.

Book your FREE Relationship Assessment Call here.