Happy Wife Happy Life

Coaching for women to take your relationship from heartbroken to happily ever after.

Melt the tension in your home and create the deep emotional connection you crave with your husband.

I know it’s impossible to imagine right now when you can’t spend five minutes in the same room without arguing or feeling resentful. But trust me, there is a way.

And I’ll show you how because I’ve been where you are.

We start our married lives with so much hope.

“For better or worse, ‘til death do us part”. You’ve finally found your person and he put a ring on it. But right now it might feel like there’s a lot more “worse” than you bargained for. 

It’s incredibly painful and even a bit embarrassing that your relationship isn’t how you dreamed it would be. Maybe you’re wondering if you married the right guy? Or if you’ve just grown apart over the years. 

You’ve been doing everything you can think of to be the best wife you can be and it’s EXHAUSTING.

Plus, it never seems to be enough because your marriage feels like it’s falling apart and other pieces of your life are slowly unravelling along with it. 

Do any of these sound familiar?
  • You’re tired of arguing - why can’t you just talk things through without him getting angry or shutting down?

  • You’re scared about the future - dividing finances, custody/living arrangements, it’s all too heartbreaking to think about

  • You’ve sacrificed your passions or career to look after your family

  • You don’t have time to do the things that used to make you happy (and honestly can’t even remember what they are)

  • You worry about what he’s thinking/feeling but can’t get him to open up to you

  • You feel like you’ve failed in your marriage

  • You still love him and deep down you know that caring, smart, funny, affectionate guy that you first fell for is still in there, buried under the distant, brooding shell of the man he’s become.

It’s so lonely and miserable going through a relationship breakdown, crying yourself to sleep each night and forcing yourself to get up each morning and put one foot in front of the other while you try to hold it all together for your kids or in front of your colleagues. 

You want things to go back to how they were when you were dating and madly in love with each other…

Remember that  time…
  • When he embarrassed you with a beautiful bunch of roses sent to your office for your birthday? 

  • Or when he sat at the kids table at your cousin’s wedding and had them all in fits of laughter, which made you think about what a great dad he would make?

  • When you first got together and you were too busy talking, laughing, snuggling and…doing other things to go to sleep each night?

  • You walked through the door and saw that smile on his face, the one he reserved only for you?

  • Your tummy filled with butterflies because he turned up unexpectedly to watch you play your favourite sport or pick you up from a night out with your girlfriends?

  • He almost bit through his tongue because he was trying so hard to make you happy by politely putting up with your mother’s constant meddling during the wedding planning process…

That’s the amazing guy you fell in love with, the man who loved you with all his heart and made an effort to show it.

And it’s that deep emotional connection that’s gone missing, that you’re desperate to get back, even though it feels like it’s too late. I hear you

But things are different now. 

You’ve been together a long time (or maybe it just feels like a long time) and life is busy, stressful and it feels as though too much has happened. You’re like co-parents or roommates. How can you possibly turn things around, especially if he’s already said he’s done or he doesn’t love you anymore? Ouch. 

You’ve tried it all:

  • Relationship books and podcasts

  • Working out what your love languages are (who doesn’t love a good quiz?)

  • Marriage counselling 

  • Having a good whine (wine optional) with your girlfriends about him

  • Asking him to talk about how he’s feeling or what he needs from you

  • Telling him what you need to feel loved or what he could do to be a better husband/father

  • Yelling at him, hoping he’ll finally hear and understand you.

And nothing has worked. Yet.

You’re not alone.

It’s common knowledge that marriage counselling is the thing to do when your relationship is in trouble. So you go in, sit on that couch (or in front of a zoom screen) and find that after an hour of talking about how miserable you feel, complaining about your husband, crying and bickering about who remembered the details of your last argument correctly, you come out feeling emotionally drained and still unsure of how to move forward. That’s IF you can even convince your husband to try counselling in the first place. 

As for books, so many of them are great in theory but how the hell do you put the ideas into practice?? It’s hard work doing it on your own. And you still feel like you’re walking on eggshells as you try to navigate learning and practising new skills in your relationship.

The constant arguments (or worse, the silence), feeling unworthy or unlovable, worrying about the future of your marriage and family and not knowing if it’s even possible to save it… it’s so overwhelming and heartbreaking..

Your friends and family can see that you’re unhappy and are saying you should leave him, that you deserve better. 

And you do deserve better! Of course you do.

But they don’t understand. They’re not in your situation. You love him and you know deep down that he’s a great guy. You want him to be the guy who steps up and earns your love and respect.

You can fix your relationship without his help.

Wait, what?!

Talking is all well and good but you’ve done all that, right? You’re all talked out and it hasn’t helped! You need a way FORWARD. A plan. You need the simple skills and tools that you (without having to convince him to do anything) can put into practice daily to save your marriage. 

And you need the support to do just that. But not just any support, you need someone who’s been there, done that and lived to tell the raw, honest, inspiring, roller-coaster-ride-but-worth-it tale

Hey, I’m Peggy

And I help women on the verge of divorce to melt the tension in their homes, reconnect with their husbands and feel happy again. Even if it feels like he’s already got one foot (or two) out the door.

Heartbroken, scared, angry, desperate and headed for a messy divorce… that was me. Feeling hopeless and wishing there was something else I could do because marriage counselling only seemed to be making things worse. I wanted to be happy and I wanted my husband to be happy but everything and everyone seemed to be telling us we could only achieve that by breaking our family apart and going our separate ways. 

I didn’t want to believe that. I wanted to fix things, to heal from past hurts and bring back the love and emotional connection we’d once shared. I wanted to feel safe, supported, to be on the same team and for my husband to want me again. When I thought all hope was lost, I found the skills and tools I needed to transform my relationship and now I help women like you to practise those same skills and tools. 

But that’s not fair!

Why do I have to be the one to fix OUR relationship?

You’re right.

It doesn’t feel fair. It’s his relationship too (he’s made just as many if not more mistakes than you) and you want to do this together with his support and an equal amount of effort. I get it.

But you’re the one reading this page. Try as we might, we can’t force our husbands to change (trust me, I’ve tried).

The wonderful thing is, your future, your relationship, isn’t dependent on someone else. 

You (as the woman) are the one with the emotional brilliance (sorry guys but it’s true, we women are better at dealing with feelings) and you are the one with the ability to make your marriage better than ever. 

Can you feel that warmth starting in your tummy and spreading through your body right now? That’s hope.

I’ve got you. Let’s do this together.

Jeana Z.

“Receiving coaching from Peggy felt like being wrapped in a warm blanket and handed a decadent bowl full of hope. Peggy had such a way of making me feel totally seen and validated, no matter the pain that I brought. After helping me to realise that I wasn’t alone, Peggy would invite me down a clear pathway which led straight out of my anxiety. Every single time.”

Happy Wife, Happy Life

A 6 month 1:1 personalised coaching program to help you:

  • Become the most happy, confident, fun, magnetic version of yourself (the one that he fell in love with and couldn’t keep his hands off)

  • Create an environment of mutual trust and respect  

  • Stop the same old arguments that seem to be on repeat and melt the tension in your home

  • Build up the emotional safety, deep connection and intimacy with your husband

  • Focus on what you really want (and start getting more of it)

  • Receive, receive, receive (including gifts, compliments, help and apologies)

  • Create a relationship you can be proud of.

I'm here to help YOU do YOU. And soon enough, he'll want to as well. (Wink, wink).

I'm here to help YOU do YOU. And soon enough, he'll want to as well. (Wink, wink).

During out time together you’ll receive:
  • A 30 minute complimentary relationship assessment call (value: $130)

  • TEN 30-40 minute fortnightly zoom coaching calls with me (value: $1300)

  • Written (email) support in between your live calls (value: $350)

  • Additional resources tailored to your personal challenges (value: $100)

  • Downloadable recordings of each coaching session (value: $200)

  • That’s a total of SIX MONTHS one on one support (you’re worth it).

Total value: $2080

Your investment is only: $1500


If you join me for a complimentary Relationship Assessment Call (worth $130 but you get it for free) you’ll also receive a limited time discount code to save an extra 5%, bringing your TOTAL INVESTMENT back to just $1427! 

*Marissa F.

“Having a baby changed the dynamic in our relationship. My husband and I were constantly arguing and I felt like I was flogging a dead horse. I wasn’t sure if working with a coach would be useful but Peggy helped me create more warmth and fun in our household and I feel more in love with my husband than ever before. The best part is, it’s been months since we had a big argument! For any woman who is feeling stuck, wanting more intimacy and wondering if she should hire a coach, I say go for it.”

*Name changed to protect client’s confidentiality.

It’s too painful and lonely to go on struggling and feeling unhappy in your marriage. 

Schedule your free Relationship Assessment Call now to see if coaching is right for you.

But Peggy, my relationship feels so hopeless.

How do I know if this is going to work for me?

I’ll be honest with you, nothing in life is 100% guaranteed. And you are the expert in your own life, so only you can decide if you are ready to give it your all and practise the Intimacy Skills that have worked for thousands of women all over the world.

I do know that you will have the best chance of success in this program if: 

  • You want to save your marriage and you’re willing to work for it

  • You have read “The Empowered Wife” by Laura Doyle (or listened to her podcast by the same name) and wondered whether she had a hidden camera in your house 

  • You haven’t read the book but you’re very curious and willing to learn and experiment with a different way of doing things (because let’s face it, there’s a lot of bad relationship advice out there that doesn’t work)

  • You’ve started practising the Six Intimacy Skills and seen a tiny bit of improvement but you’re struggling to stay motivated because it’s hard work doing it on your own 

  • You’re not sure if these skills are going to work for you the way they have worked for so many other women but you’re willing to try

  • You’re exhausted from trying to do everything and make everyone else happy - you’re ready to focus on and invest in yourself!

This isn’t for you if: 

  • You are living in fear that your partner will hurt you or your children. If you or your kids have suffered repeated abuse then I support you doing whatever you need to do to get safe. If you’re in Australia a good place to start is by calling 1800RESPECT (1800 737 7328) or texting 0458 737 732.

  • You do not enjoy personal development—learning, growing, changing—and taking responsibility for your own actions.

  • You just want to complain and blame and focus on the past. If that’s the case then therapy might be a better fit for you. Coaching is about taking action and practising the skills and tools that will help you show up differently in the future. It takes courage and commitment to transform yourself and your relationship. 

  • You’re happy being unhappy. Sometimes you’re just not ready to change and it can feel easier/more comfortable to stay where you are than to step out of your comfort zone and try something new and different.  

Here’s the deal.

If you’ve already read “The Empowered Wife” by Laura Doyle (and I highly recommend you do) then you already know about the Six Intimacy Skills™. So what can a Laura Doyle Relationship Coach (and Intimacy Skills Expert) help you do that you can’t do for yourself? I’m glad you asked.

As your coach, I’ll help you:

  • Not sure why your husband is angry with you or says mean things? I’ve got you.

  • No judgement, this is a safe space and your tears are welcome here if you need to let them fall.

  • No two marriages or challenges are exactly the same so your coaching will be personalised to your relationship.

  • Because it’s really easy to see and fixate on all the bad stuff that’s happening when you’re in a crisis and it's tempting to try and control it.

  • When your vision for your marriage (or yourself) feels impossible, I'll hold it for you and keep it safe, whatever that vision may be.

  • Let go of all that pressure you put on yourself to make his life easier or to be the perfect wife/mother/friend/daughter etc.

  • You will have wins, big and small and they are all worth celebrating!

  • Coaching is all about moving forward, experimenting with new skills and tools and I’ll be here to support you while you do it.

You’ll discover that you are the one with the power to heal your relationship, even if it feels like he’s the one who’s caused the breakdown.

 Frequently Asked Questions

  • Book your free relationship assessment call with me and once we know that coaching is the best next step for you I will provide all the info you need to get started right away.

  • Marriage counselling tends to focus on the problem, in other words what’s wrong with the relationship or with the people in it (childhood trauma, anyone?) and things that have happened between you and your partner in the past.

    Coaching is more about the solution and taking responsibility for your own part rather than blaming and complaining. It may not always feel fair (I know, he’s made mistakes too) but coaching empowers you with specific skills and simple actions that you can take to change up those old dysfunctional patterns and move forward.

    Unlike therapy, you’ll also get to hear real-life examples of how I’ve used the skills in my own relationships (with my husband, kids and many others in my life) so you can learn from my mistakes and triumphs.

  • You will schedule your coaching session and receive a link to join via Zoom. We will spend 30-40 minutes together celebrating your wins and diving into the challenges that are most present for you in your relationship and you will finish the session with a take-away skill/tool/action to practise or experiment with before your next session.

  • Zoom is free and easy to set up, just follow the instructions provided on the Zoom website. You can use it on your computer or through the Zoom app on your phone or tablet. There are also free Zoom video tutorials on YouTube if you want to learn more.

  • Upfront payment is preferred (I will provide some different options for how you can do that). If you are paying via PayPal they do offer a Pay-In-4 (instalments) option for eligible customers.

  • Fixing your relationship is not a sprint, it’s a marathon. Having coached women in long term relationships, I know it takes time for marriages to get into trouble and it also takes time for them to get back out of trouble. How long exactly? That depends… Each relationship is different, however 10 sessions offers you the best value for money as well as time to get to know and practise the Intimacy Skills more deeply and to form new empowering habits that will have you seeing positive and lasting results in your relationship.

  • Oh beautiful friend, I hear you. I thought that too. When my marriage was at its lowest point I felt so lonely, scared and hopeless (and a bit angry to be honest because I felt like I was the only one putting any energy into saving our relationship). 

    When I personally started working with a coach it was a last-ditch effort. I had tried so many things in the past that just hadn’t worked, including marriage counselling. 

    But coaching gave me a way forward. It gave me new skills, tools and the support I needed to put them into practice. Coaching empowered me and gave me hope and I want that for you too. It’s the best self improvement program I’ve ever undertaken.

Have any other questions? Contact me and I’ll be happy to answer.

Laura A.

“After each session and applying Peggy’s invitations, I found myself progressing towards making the vision I had for my marriage a reality. With her coaching and support, I was not only able to create intimacy in my relationship with my husband, I was also able to heal the relationship I had with myself.”

Are you ready to create the deep emotional connection you crave in your relationship and start  feeling happy again? 

Let’s do it.

Click the button below to schedule your free relationship assessment call with me so we can confirm if: 

a) Coaching is the right fit for you and

b) I have a coaching spot available for you to start ASAP (spaces are limited).