Your marriage is not a lost cause.

Actions and support for women who want a way forward (out of the heartbreak and loneliness) towards a happier, more connected relationship, even if it feels hopeless right now.

Hey, I’m Peggy 

I help women on the verge of divorce to melt the tension in their home so they can enjoy each other's company again.

I know how important your family is to you, how much time and effort you’ve put into creating the life you have together and you can’t bear to see it all torn apart. But you also don’t know what more you can possibly do to save it. It feels incredibly lonely, heartbreaking and exhausting when you’re stuck in an unhappy marriage . 

Nobody taught you the skills you need to have a great marriage. Until now.

When you think back to the beginning, to the sweet things he used to say, the flirty looks you gave each other and the fun you used to have together… You miss that closeness, that sense of deep connection and feeling safe in his arms. 

But how do you get it back?

That’s where I come in. My mission is to help you bring back the romance, enjoy each other’s company and move forward in your relationship with more playfulness and a deeper emotional connection, even if it feels like it’s too late or he’s never going to change.

Do you ever lie in bed at night thinking… 

  • How did we get here??

  • It feels like we’re roommates or co-parents rather than a couple.

  • I’m putting in all the effort but he’s the one who really needs to change.

  • I don’t want to get divorced and tear our family apart but I can’t go on like this either.

  • I still love him but I’m wondering if everyone else is right, if I’d be better off without him?

I’ve been there.

It’s incredibly painful being on the fence, not knowing if you can save your marriage. You’ve already tried so many different things and you want to protect your heart and take the path that is going to have the best outcome for everyone.

Except that, your crystal ball—ordered on a late night whim from eBay—hasn’t arrived yet and therefore you can’t possibly make a decision. Jokes aside, it’s so scary, painful and uncertain. 

What I wish I had known when I was in that situation (sitting up on that imaginary fence, crying myself to sleep each night or distracting myself with needless online shopping) is that there are skills you can learn and practice that will improve your relationship.

Not kidding. It’s like having a secret “How To Guide” to marriage. And they really work. They worked for me and they’ve worked for thousands of other women too. 

I will help you use the Six Intimacy Skills™ to build your confidence, change your focus, bring back your smile (which is so attractive to your man) and discover your true desires (so you can get more of what you want).

I’ll help you uncover your blind spots and work out what’s keeping you stuck so that you can finally fix your marriage and become the best version of you - the one your husband can’t wait to spend time with.

Want to move forward in your relationship?

If you’re ready to save your marriage and make it better—more intimate, peaceful, romantic, happier—than ever before, let’s work together 1:1. It’s time for you to feel supported and empowered to focus on the things you CAN change (hint: it’s not your husband, you’ve probably already tried that, just like I did, and boy is he stubborn!).

Option 1

1:1 Personalised Coaching

Get the highest level of support to fix your relationship, even if it feels impossible (and you’ve already tried everything).

Option 2

FREE Training Video

Learn How to Get Respect, Reconnect and Rev Up your Love Life with this FREE TRAINING video.

Option 3

FREE Action Plan

Six simple steps to get your marriage back on track plus three common mistakes to avoid!

Please note, this is NOT for you if…

You or your children are in danger. If you don’t feel safe in your relationship due to the threat of violence or abuse then that is the most important thing for you to address right now. I support you in doing what you need to do to protect yourself and your family. Help is available online at or call 1800 737 732 or text 0458 737 732.

Jeana Z.

“Receiving coaching from Peggy felt like being wrapped in a warm blanket and handed a decadent bowl full of hope. Peggy had such a way of making me feel totally seen and validated, no matter the pain that I brought. After helping me to realise that I wasn’t alone, Peggy would invite me down a clear pathway which led straight out of my anxiety. Every single time.”

I’ve got you.

Want to know more about how relationship coaching can help you melt the tension in your home, get on the same page when it comes to parenting (or life) and bring back those deep heart to heart conversations you used to have with your husband? Learn more about my services here.

Want to feel like you and your husband are on the same team?  

If you’re feeling sad and lonely in your marriage, unsure how to fix your relationship (or if it’s even possible) because you’ve already tried everything and he’s still distant and unwilling to talk things through…

This is what you need to know before giving in and getting divorced.