Free Training

Learn the simple actions and cheat phrases you can use to have a happier marriage, even if you are on the verge of a breakdown.

It feels impossible.

As a woman whose relationship is in crisis (or headed in that direction) you’re desperately searching for a way to melt the tension in your home and bring back the loving connection with your partner. But how??? When it feels like he’s the one who needs to change or try harder and won’t.

This FREE training will teach YOU how to make your relationship feel easier, more peaceful and connected (starting today) even if your husband/boyfriend is the problem.

In this Free Training you’ll learn:
  1. The little known secret to who has the power to revitalise a relationship 

  2. How to make your relationship feel easy (I’m guessing you’ve been told marriage is hard work and it probably feels like it right now)

  3. How to tell him what you want in a way that inspires him to act

  4. The specific skill you need (and can easily learn) to restore the fun

  5. How to get your man to open up to you and share more deeply (seriously, this is one POWERFUL phrase)!

Simply click the button above, enter your details and check your emails for the link to watch.

Theresa W.

“As a die-hard romantic, I did not want to give up on the idea that we could have a loving, fun marriage that really felt like a team. This video showed me what I could do to make it happen!

Jeana Z.

“I wanted to get back to the way things were when I first met my partner. I wanted to embrace this amazing man with reckless abandon and leave my fears behind. This gave me some simple effective actions to try out.”

This Free Training is perfect for you if:
  • Your marriage feels distant and lonely

  • It’s your husband or boyfriend who is the problem and needs to change

  • There’s no sizzle or attraction left (your relationship feels kind of flat)

  • You feel like roommates or co-parents instead of lovers

  • He’s told you he’s not in love with you or wants a divorce

  • You’re dealing with constant arguments, bickering, tension or the silent treatment.

I understand what it’s like to feel lonely and unhappy in your marriage, to want your husband to change or try harder and love you the way you deserve to be loved.

That’s why I created this Free Training: How to Get Respect, Reconnect and Rev Up your Love Life, to take you from feeling helpless and rejected to understanding EXACTLY WHAT YOU CAN DO (without having to convince him to do anything) to bring back the deep conversations, the cuddles on the couch and have him wanting to be your hero.

Learn how you can fix your relationship,

starting TODAY!

About Peggy Kerr

Peggy is a Certified Laura Doyle Relationship Coach and Intimacy Skills Expert who loves helping women on the verge of divorce to reconnect with their husbands and feel loved and happy again. 

After going through her own marriage breakdown, feeling completely devastated and not wanting to have her family torn apart, she discovered the skills that helped her remember what a fun, happy person she used to be and what a great guy she married (the same one she had fallen into the habit of  complaining about and criticising constantly) and ultimately attracted him back. 

She now supports other women to practise the skills that saved her from a messy divorce. She and her husband have three adorable (most of the time) children, one (rather cute but naughty) dachshund cross, a few ponies and a fish tank, thanks to a pet-shop colouring-in competition (pretty fish, water filter, heater and decorations sold separately). Well played pet shop, you got us.


How to Get Respect, Reconnect and Rev Up your Love Life